Chancen und Risiken von Methoden zur Entnahme und Speicherung von CO2 aus der Atmosphäre
Martin Cames, Clemens Mader, Andreas Hermann, Andreas R. Köhler, Nadia Malinverno, Martin Möller, Björn Niesen, Claudia Som, Patrick Wäger: Chancen und Risiken von Methoden zur Entnahme und Speicherung von CO2 aus der Atmosphäre. In TA-SWISS Publikationsreihe (Hrsg.): TA 80/2023. Zürich: vdf.
The opportunities and risks for Switzerland and its population regarding five negative emission technologies of relevance for Switzerland were evaluated in an inter- and transdisciplinary study on the basis of a participatory methods approach: forest management and utilisation of wood; soil management and biochar; use of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS); direct air capture and carbon sequestration (DACCS); and carbonation (accelerated weathering). The intention is to facilitate a knowledgeable and fact-based social debate on the use of negative emission technologies and foster a sustainable approach to the technologies examined in Switzerland.
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project report
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TA-SWISS Foundation for Technology Assessment (TA-SWISS)
Technologien für Negativemissionen (TA-SWISS)
