Editing under provision. Dutch citizens' views on new genomic techniques in food crops
Rathenau Instituut (2023). Editing under provision – Dutch citizens’ views on new genomic techniques in food crops. Den Haag. Authors: Habets, M., I. Pirson, P. Macnaghten and P. Verhoef.
In this study, we talked to Dutch citizens in small focus groups, about the use of new genomic techniques (ngt) in crops. We explored their views, the underlying values, and the provisions they find necessary to place these new ngt crops on the European market. New genomic techniques, like CRISPR-Cas, emerged after 2001, when the European Commission adopted policies regarding the use of genetic modification techniques in food crops. They are faster, more precise, and less expensive than their predecessors. Before the summer of 2023, the Commission will propose new rules for these techniques. The debate on this regulatory change is mainly led by scientists, people from industry, and politicians. With this report, we also give citizens a voice in the debate.
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project report
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Rathenau Instituut (RATH)
