Call for sessions for the conference May 17th - 19th 2017 is open.
After the 1st PACITA conference in Prague in 2013, the 2nd PACITA conference in Berlin in 2015, a few of the PACITA project partners decided to continue the series beyond the end of the PACITA project and organise the 3rd European Technology Assessment Conference in 2017. It will take place in University College Cork (UCC) on May 17th - 19th 2017. The aim of the conference is to discuss how technology assessment and related activities such as science and technology studies, responsible research and innovation (RRI), public engagement, and foresight can strongly contribute to knowledge-based policy-making on science, technology and innovation, to engage policymakers and other stakeholders in this endeavour, and to learn from each other’s perspectives.
The theme of the conference is New technologies and societal challenges: Bridging the worlds of science, society & policy making.
The organisers have just published the Call for Sessions.