Contributions made by science and technology to compensate for handicaps
Technological advances are in the process of transforming the lives of handicapped persons. In certain areas, very innovative devices have already been perfected, while in others, significant efforts remain to be made in terms of research and marketing. The stakes are considerable. Mitigating the effects of or compensating for handicaps and offering handicapped persons the means to enable them to regain their autonomy and better integrate into society constitute real scientific and technological challenges. At the same time, new technologies and artificial limbs are being perfected, thereby significantly increasing human performance. Mrs Poletti will identify the equipment that meets the real needs of handicapped persons and will consider the reforms necessary to allow these persons to benefit from, as quickly and completely as possible, these technological advances. Mrs Poletti's conclusions will be published in June. Until that time, the rapporteure will meet as many handicapped persons, patient associations, practitioners, researchers, and industrial and institutional representatives as possible. This study will be concluded on Thursday 22 May 2008 with a public hearing open to the press, during which competent experts, both from France and abroad, will be able to express their opinions on this set of issues.
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Project leader:
Office Parlementaire dĀ“Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques of the French Parliament (OPECST)