Mobility in rural areas
On behalf of the Committee on Transport and Communications, a technology assessment focusing on mobility in rural areas, will be carried out in 2019. Different types of mobility services for residents in rural areas could increase accessibility, reduce the need to travel by car and reduce the costs for households. Other positive effects with mobility services are reduced emissions from fossil fuels and reduced number of cars traveling into cities. Mobility services in rural areas include different forms of car sharing, car pools, demand-responsive transport and other types of flexible transport solutions. Digitalization, automation and sharing economics have great potential to influence transport modes in rural areas. Self-driving vehicles could reduce the need for traditional public transport in rural areas and contribute to solutions for those who now experience mobility barriers. The assessment will focus on following questions: • What sustainable mobility services could increase accessibility in rural areas in the short and long term? • What opportunities and obstacles exist for implementing mobile services in rural areas? • Good examples of new sustainable and accessible mobility solutions in rural areas (national and international studies).
Short title:
Mobility in rural areas
Start date:
End date:
Project leader:
Evaluation and Research Secretariat (ERS) of the Swedish Riksdag (ERS)