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Page 264 of 277 Results 2631 - 2640 of 2763

 Title / Quotation  Type  Date  Institute
Aichholzer, G.; Kirschner, A.; Projektpartner, OFFNET (1995) Barriers to andOpportunities for the Neighbourhood Office Model of Teleworking, Deliverable D9 zumProjekt OFFNET (Networked European Neighbourhood Offices) an die Kommission derEuropäischen Gemeinschaften. Wien u. a.: ITA. Read more...  project report 1995-06 ITA
Aichholzer, G.; Kirschner, A.; Projektpartner, OFFNET (1995) Networked EuropeanNeighbourhood Offices: An Evaluation of the Neighbourhood Office Model of Teleworking, Endbericht zum Projekt OFFNET (Networked European Neighbourhood Offices) an dieKommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Juli. Wien u. a.: ITA. Read more...  project report 1995-06 ITA
Aichholzer, G.; Kirschner, A. (1995) Final Report on the Neighbourhood Office Pilot at TelehausFreiwald (EU-Projekt OFFNET), Deliverable D6c, Forschungsbericht an die Kommission derEuropäischen Gemeinschaften. Read more...  project report 1995-06 ITA
Auswirkungen moderner Biotechnologien auf Entwicklungsländer und Folgen für die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern Read more...  project report 1995-05 TAB
Multimedia - Mythen, Chancen und Herausforderungen Read more...  project report 1995-05 TAB
Neue Werkstoffe Read more...  project report 1995-01 TAB
POST (1995) Encouraging Industrial R & D. POST-Note No. 57 Read more...  policy brief 1995 POST
POST (1995) Plant Biotechnology. POST-Note No. 56 Read more...  policy brief 1995 POST
POST (1995) Psychometric Testing in the Workplace. POST-Note No. 59 Read more...  policy brief 1995 POST
POST (1995) Waste Recycling. POST-Note No. 58 Read more...  policy brief 1995 POST

Page 264 of 277 Results 2631 - 2640 of 2763