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Page 22 of 141 Results 211 - 220 of 1408

 Title / Quotation  Type  Date  Institute
Auf Schritt und Tritt beobachtet - Kurzfassung der Studie von TA-SWISS «Automatisierte Erkennung von Stimme, Sprache und Gesicht: Technische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen» Read more...  policy brief 2022-10 TA-SWISS
Quand nos faits et gestes sont observés en permanence - Synthèse de l’étude de TA-SWISS « Reconnaissance automatisée de la voix, de la parole et du visage : défis techniques, juridiques et sociétaux » Read more...  policy brief 2022-10 TA-SWISS
Sotto stretta sorveglianza - Sintesi dello studio di TA-SWISS «Riconoscimento automatico della voce, della parola e del volto: sfide tecniche, giuridiche e sociali» Read more...  policy brief 2022-10 TA-SWISS
What if everyone spoke the same language? Read more...  policy brief 2022-10 STOA
New European Union standards relating to labour law Read more...  policy brief 2022-10 BEOS
Cultures of responsibility for AI start-ups Read more...  policy brief 2022-09 ITA
Augmented reality in public spaces Read more...  policy brief 2022-09 ITA
Business exploitation of technological research and innovation Read more...  policy brief 2022-09 GPCRT
What if AI could make the agri-food sector more resilient? Read more...  policy brief 2022-09 STOA
New paths towards open data? Read more...  policy brief 2022-08 ITA

Page 22 of 141 Results 211 - 220 of 1408