Follow-up of newly arrived immigrants' establishment - labour market status with a particular focus on women
The purpose of this follow-up is to get a picture of newly arrived immigrants' labour market status after completion of the establishment program. The establishment program was introduced on 1 January 2018 and essentially meant that the regulations for newly arrived immigrants' establishment in working and social life were harmonized to a greater extent with the regulations that apply to other job seekers. Within the framework of this follow-up, a study of all participants in the establishment program during 2018–2019 has been carried out. The study examines the enrolled's participation during these years, their labour market status 90 days after they leave the establishment program and which interventions newly enrolled participants have been assigned. According to what emerged in this follow-up, the general pattern demonstrated by previous studies of new arrivals' establishment has not changed. Newly arrived women still do not take part in interventions to the same extent as men, and the women generally have a slower progression than the men. This is partly due to the fact that labour market-oriented programmes are to a greater extent found in male-dominated industries, which is why it is easier for men to take part in interventions that lead to establishment. It is also due to the fact that men are said to be more driven, and if they have a family, they see themselves as breadwinners. Both quantitative data and interviews show that when newly arrived women are allowed to choose their own profession, they usually choose traditionally female professions. These occupations often require knowledge of the Swedish language and formal education – unlike some more traditionally male jobs. This means that the path to establishment on the labour market is longer for newly arrived women than for newly arrived men. If the women lack education from their home country, the road will be very long. However, more personal support has proven to be successful and is being tested in various projects and ventures.
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project report
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Evaluation and Research Secretariat (ERS) of the Swedish Riksdag (ERS)
