On the sources of knowledge of the future. An analysis of foresight reports and phenomena
Ahvenharju, Sanna; Pouru, Laura; Minkkinen, Matti; Ahlqvist, Toni (2020): Tulevaisuustiedon lähteillä: analyysi ennakointiraporteista ja tulevaisuuden ilmiöistä (Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu 6/2020). Tulevaisuusvaliokunta: Helsinki.
The Committee for the Future commissioned this report from Finland Futures Research Centre. The report maps domestic producers of foresight knowledge (www-links in attachment 1) and nearly 90 international general foresight reports from the recent years (www-links in attachment 2), most of which appear regularly. The report analyses 20 key reports in more detail and categorizes the 430 anticipated phenomena found in them under 37 topics. The analysis also explores the way in which these reports discussed two types of issues of recent relevance to Finland: pandemics and cyber attacks & data thefts. Finally, the report maps the results of a query to politicians, futurists and foresight experts on the anticipated issues that have not been sufficiently accounted for in decision-making in Finland.
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Committee for the Future of the Parliament of Finland (ComFuture)