Gene technology
Tulevaisuusvaliokunta (2018) Geeniteknologia. (Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu 2/2018); Eduskunta: Helsinki.
The report contains five expert perspectives into synthetic biology and gene technology: plant breeding (by Anneli Ritala and Teemu Teeri), cell factories and new materials (by Jussi Jäntti and Markus Linder), medical gene technology (by Kirmo Wartiovaara), cell cultivation and food from air by electricity (by Lauri Reuter and Juha-Pekka Pitkänen) as well as bioethics (by Heikki Saxén). The experts were asked to explain these various gene technology applications, exploring on their benefots and risks, the development status and future policy recommendations. The material of the report is stemming from the open hearings that the Committee for the Future organised on spring 2018.
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project report
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Committee for the Future of the Parliament of Finland (ComFuture)