Understanding public responses to low carbon technologies:Strategies for a low carbon transition
Understanding public responses to low carbon technologies, EPRS, European Parliament, January 2019
This report reviews different models and frameworks that explain public responses to low carbon technologies (LCTs). Based on insights from literature, it highlights the need for a multidimensional perspective to understand the complexities surrounding public acceptance or opposition to LCTs. It also proposes two key solutionsfor how public responses can be better accommodated in a way that engenders support from the public: by integrating social and values-based aspects in planning, and by ensuring procedural justice in technology deployment. Reflecting on these, policy options are drawn for how these solutions might help contribute to delivering better approaches in engaging the public in the low carbon transition.
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project report
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European Parliament / Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) (STOA)
Understanding public responses to low carbon technologies (STOA)