Raising awareness and knowledge of and sharing scientific, technical and industrial cultures: an imperative
Raising awareness and knowledge of and sharing scientific, technical and industrial cultures: an imperative - Mr Jean-Pierre LELEUX, Senator and Mrs Maud OLIVIER, MP – January 2014
Very many reports –including parliamentary reports– have addressed scientific, technical and industrial culture (CSTI) and have regularly underscored the shortcomings of its dissemination (public-understanding activity). Although these reports saw a public policy challenge in the need to remedy this situation, CSTI does not however appear to have been considered with full respect for its importance, in other words a national priority. Against this background, this report, enriched by the prior ones, shows that the development of the sharing of CSTIs has resulted from the voluntarism of a multitude of players and underscores the urgency of giving new impetus to their activities. Therefore, it aims at proposing frameworks for action, in terms of governance or national strategy, in line with the scale of contemporary needs as regards the public-understanding activity related to scientific, technical and industrial culture. It also intends to make concrete proposals applicable in the present context. The rapporteurs also proposed new terminology. First, by substituting the plural –CSTIs –for the singular –CSTI– hitherto employed, in order to better underline the specific aspects of the three notions composing them. Second, by referring henceforth to the 'sharing' of CSTIs and no longer their dissemination as the latter term harks back to vertical relations between experts and non-experts rather than promoting a democratisation of knowledge.
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project report
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Office Parlementaire d´Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques of the French Parliament (OPECST)
