Reusable Space Launchers
Reusable Space Launchers - M. Jean-Luc Fugit, MP (National Assembly) - January 2019
No country, no business segment and no individual can do without the services provided by orbiting satellites: telecommunications, defence, meteorology, geolocation, etc. The breakthrough of private space operators, particularly US company SpaceX, and the emergence of “New Space”, have led to a fall in prices and intensified competition, particularly thanks to launcher recovery and reuse. The European Ariane 6 launcher, which will be operational in 2020, is not reusable. Its business plan is also not fully guaranteed in the current market context. Debate continues over the need (or not) to master reuse technologies to make sure Europe maintains its position as an autonomous space power. In addition, there is an emerging need to develop the governance of European space policy to enable clear choices.
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policy brief
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Office Parlementaire d´Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques of the French Parliament (OPECST)
