Mental Health in Mexico
Rentería Rodríguez, M. E. (2018). INCyTU Note 7 Mental Health in Mexico
Mental disorders are conditions that affect the nervous system and are manifested in behavior, emotions and processes such as memory and perception. It is estimated that between 450 and 500 million people in the world had a mental disorder during 2016 and, although in most cases these diseases do not lead to death, they do affect physical health and may limit the quality of who suffers from them and their families, as well as their productivity. About 2% of the health budget in Mexico is allocated to mental health, when the WHO recommends between 5% and 10%, and it lacks a focus on prevention rather than containment.
Publication type:
policy brief
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Spanish; Castilian
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Office for Information of Science and Technology for the Mexican Congress (INCyTU)