Production of scientific and technological knowledge in Catalonia (2000-2014)
CAPCIT (2016) Production of scientific and technological knowledge in Catalonia (2000-2014). Bulletin No. 9, April 2016
The Catalan R&D system has a size equivalent to those of Scotland and Norway. Within the Spanish State, Catalonia is, like Madrid, one of the most important poles of research. In the production of scientific publications, the Catalan R&D system is still in a process of expansion and increasing internationalization. The visibility and excellence of Catalan publications was 10% above the world average during the 15 years analysed in the study. Two thirds of the 21 research fields analysed represent strengths of the Catalan R&D system. The inventive and innovative performance of Catalonia shows weaknesses when compared with Norway’s patent applications per active population and patent applications in high-tech fields.
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Advisory Board of the Parliament of Catalonia for Science and Technology (CAPCIT)