Towards a digital democracy Opportunities and challenges
EPTA (2018) Towards a digital democracy Opportunities and challenges. EPTA Report 2018. Compiled by R. Molinari and Z. Pataki on the basis of contributions of all EPTA members, edited by T. Karapiperis, Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA). Brussels, European Parliament.
The report addresses the interplay between democracy, on the one hand, and artificial intelligence, blockchain and/or quantum technology, on the other. It focuses on the impact of current and expected developments in these new technology fields on democratic processes and institutions, and examines this impact from multiple perspectives. The report includes the country perspectives from the following EPTA members: Austria, Catalonia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America and STOA.
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project report
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European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (network) (EPTA)
Towards a digital democracy Opportunities and challenges (EPTA)
