Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of The Council of Europe (CoE),Resolution 1795 (2011), Genetically modified organisms: a solution for the future? - (Rapporteur: Jean- François Le Grand Doc. 12531, Text adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of the Assembly, on 11 March 2011)
While, at world level, some non-member countries of the Council of Europe widely authorise genetically modified organisms (GMOs) without imposing restrictions, the European Union member countries base their policy on the precautionary principle with a very strict regulatory framework. However, the first issue raised by GMOs is that of their impact in economic terms and, above all, on health and the environment. The Parliamentary Assembly notes that there are still differences between the opponents and supporters of GMOs, although developments can be observed in national legislation and procedures. As part of its ongoing concern to protect the environment and the right of every citizen to live in a healthy environment, and given scientific uncertainty as to the consequences of the use of GMOs, the Assembly recommends that Council of Europe member and non-member states frame and harmonise policies in the fields of public information, consultation and participation regarding the future of GMOs and establish guidelines for good agricultural practice where the production and use of GMOs are concerned. It also reiterates the need to ensure that expert studies and appraisals concerning GMO issues are performed completely independently and transparently.
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Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) (PACE)
Genetically modified organisms: a solution for the future? (PACE)
