What does good policy advice look like in times of crisis? (ITA Dossier No.74en, Mar. 2024)
ITA [Hrsg.], (2024) What does good policy advice look like in times of crisis? ITA Dossier No 74 (March 2024; Author: Alexander Bogner, Paul Buntfuss, Daniela Fuchs, Tanja Sinozic-Martinez)
-> Crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic confront science and politics with new challenges. -> Scientific policy advice informs administration and politics, and its quality and effectiveness depend on various criteria. -> In order to increase efficiency and createtrust, scientific policy advice must be transparent. -> At the same time, trust is strengthened during chronic crises when a variety of perspectives are taken into account. -> In order to provide adequate advice, it is essential that sufficient resources are available.
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policy brief
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Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA)
Epistemic security on scientific expertise in chronic crises (EPISTEMIS) (ITA)
