Science & Tech Spotlight: Drone Swarm Technologies
Science & Tech Spotlight: Drone Swarm Technologies, Report no. GAO-23-106930, Sep 2023
This Science & Tech Spotlight report explores drone swarm technologies, which use algorithms and local sensors to coordinate drones with minimal human intervention. Swarms could range from a few drones to possibly thousands. Advances in artificial intelligence and drone components have made swarms possible—even if they're limited to simpler missions like aerial light shows for now. As the technology improves, it could be used to fight wildfires, detect crop disease, and more. However, it also raises concerns over safety, privacy, and cybersecurity. For example, a hacker could redirect a drone swarm for malicious purposes.
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policy brief
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Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) (STAA)
United States of America
Science & Tech Spotlight: Drone Swarm Technologies (STAA)
